Overview of Books

/Overview of Books

Cultural Diaries Overview

By | August 1st, 2021|Overview of Books|

The four stories in the book talk about different escapades combining with ancient environmental wisdom. (1) Ritual Contemplation - Kerala's Athirathram Yajna [...]

Overview of Books

By | August 1st, 2021|Overview of Books|

The TRAVAILS of a PILLION Rider has 10 compelling stories, each separate from other, compiled in 3 books - Cultural Diaries, [...]

Camping Diaries Overview

By | August 1st, 2021|Overview of Books|

The Camping Diaries is an amalgamation of four different escapades intermingled with relevant environmental insights in each. (1) Conquering The Summit [...]

Coastal Diaries Overview

By | August 1st, 2021|Overview of Books|

The Coastal Diaries is an exceptional bike road exploring the coast of India from west to east touching the tip. It [...]